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[2010] ドメーヌ・ド・ラ・ロマネ・コンティ DRCロマネコンティ【正規品】フランス / ブルゴーニュ / 赤ワイン



生産者ドメーヌ・ド・ラ・ロマネ・コンティDRCヴィンテージ2010ワイン名ロマネコンティRomanee Conti容量750ml解説パーカーポイント: (97 - 99)点予想される飲み頃:2030 - 2060It’s fascinating to taste the 2010 Romanee-Conti. It is as if all of the preceding wines are subsets of the Romanee-Conti, but in the Romanee-Conti we find all of the qualities that make the other wines so distinctive in one marvelously complete Burgundy. Aromatics reminiscent of Romanee St. Vivant make an appearance, followed by the sweetness that can only be La Tache, then the structure of Richebourg, all wrapped into the total elusiveness of Romanee-Conti. I am reminded of my university studies in music. There are some compositions that are so profoundly moving because they only point out the futility in trying to truly understand them. Some things remain beyond the full grasp of the human intellect. Romanee-Conti is the vinous equivalent. Anticipated maturity: 2030-2060. (199, The Wine Advocate, 23rd Dec 2011) キーワード:ワイン The Wine KATSUDA 勝田商店 勝田ワイン ワイン勝田 ワインセラー勝田 ワインセラーカツダ ワインカツダ

Price 商品価格 3,758,400円(税込み)
Review Average レビュー平均 0.0(5点満点)
Review Count レビュー件数 0件
Shop Name ショップ ロマネ ROMANEE

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